An ideal environment for todays occupiers, available fitted out or clear An ideal environment for todays occupiers, available fitted out or clear
Floor Plans Download

4th Floor Plan

16,596 Sq Ft (1,541.8 Sq M)
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Workstations 108
1 person offices 6
6 person office 1
16 person meeting room 1
10 person meeting rooms 3
8 person meeting room 1
4 person meeting room 1
3 person meeting room 1
Informal meeting areas 2
Tea points 2
Receptionist 1

Total occupancy 120
Occupancy ratio 1:12.8 Sq M

Split A – 9,246 Sq Ft (859.0 Sq M)

Workstations 60
1 person offices 4
16 person meeting rooms 2
10 person meeting room 1
Quiet rooms 3
Phone booths 2
Tea Point 1
Receptionist 1

Total occupancy 64
Occupancy ratio 1:13.4 Sq M

Split B – 7,168 Sq Ft (666.0 Sq M)

Workstations 32
Hot desks 3
1 person offices 3
16 person meeting room 1
10 person meeting room 1
8 person meeting room 1
4 person meeting rooms 2
Informal meeting areas 3
Quiet rooms 3
Tea Point 1
Receptionist 1

Total occupancy 35
Occupancy ratio 1:19.0 Sq M
  • Lettable
  • Core
Not to scale, for indicative purposes only.

3rd Floor Plan

16,581 Sq Ft (1,540.4 Sq M)
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Workstations 144
Hot desks 32
8 person meeting room 1
6 person meeting room 1
Informal meeting areas 2
Tea Point 1
Receptionists 2

Total occupancy 144
Occupancy ratio 1:10.5 Sq M
  • Lettable
  • Core
Not to scale, for indicative purposes only.

2nd Floor Plan

16,391 Sq Ft (1,522.8 Sq M)
  • Lettable
  • Core
  • Terrace
Not to scale, for indicative purposes only.

1st Floor Plan

14,012 Sq Ft (1,301.8 Sq M)
  • Lettable
  • Core
Not to scale, for indicative purposes only.

Part 3rd Floor Plan

Workstations 48
Hot desks 16
8 person meeting room 1
6 person meeting room 1
Breakout area 3
Receptionist 2

Total occupancy 48
  • Lettable
  • Core
Not to scale, for indicative purposes only.